Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
A few recent layouts and new techniques.
Working on some fun layouts right now. Trying new things, new techniques, and letting go of "rules", and am loving the results.
I usually don't do one-page layouts, but I let go of this "rule". {see below}
Used some light colored rub-ons, then accentuated the letters by using my black marker and doodled around the letters.
Found these cute fabric letter tags. Love the colors, and they are so versatile.I have found myself really liking making little groupings of embellishments. I find that using odd numbers in these "mini collages" adds more visual interest.
And a silly layout...
Loving these stamps that I am borrowing from my neighbor:I'm also breaking my rule about "empty" space-I'm using it more often.
Used many different things on this layout, to emphasize the playfulness theme. Used tags that went off the paper, monogram stickers, rub-ons, word stickers, date stamp, and my own handwriting.
A solution when you don't have a letter you need? Make your own! This was the dilemma I had with the "quirky" word, so I made my own letter "I". Does it look perfect? No! Does it work, especially with the playful message I have for this layout? Absolutely!
Get creative-break rules, including your own that you may or may not realize you have. Serious or playful layouts-all will benefit from your creativity "gettting out of the box". Go, CREATE! Send me your "breaking the rules" layouts-I'd love to see them!
Posted by
Erin Saeger
10:04 AM
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Jack's Swimming Lessons - day one
Jack's taking his 3rd season of swim lessons, this year at Sendero Springs pool. His confidence in the water is great... feeling comfortable and even daring. Can't wait to do some "summer swimming" layouts with the pool pictures I took.
Collin is having so much fun as well in the baby pool during his big brother's swim lessons. In just the first week alone, he is already putting his head under water by himself, and "testing" himself in the deep end of the baby pool. I think I have another boy that is part fish on my hands.
I am thinking of using my clear dimensional glue for a "water" effect on my scrapbook page. Bright colors, summery feel, and perhaps a circle/bubble theme. So many ideas, so little time!
I'd love to see some summer swimming layouts, if you'd like to email them to me. Thank you for all who are reading my entires regularly, I'd love to keep hearing from you! Peace.
Posted by
Erin Saeger
4:55 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
Happy Father's Day, Sweetie!
Here's a picture of the best husband and Daddy in the whole world with his boys. Can't wait to scrap this one! I'm thinking traditional colors....brown and blue for the layout scheme. Loving that I am having so many inspirational ideas and creativity right now after going through all my old scrapbook magazines. Funny how some things look so "dated" already, and some things look timeless.
Posted by
Erin Saeger
7:41 AM
Friday, June 15, 2007
Brotherly Love
I am loving how Collin (15 months old) and Jack (3 1/2 years old) are finally an age where they are playing together. Their helping each other, laughing together, and goofin' around together. I have also learned that they are a tag team..... when it comes to getting into trouble. But when all is said (and when all is cleaned up) I love every bit of it. I can't imagine my life without these little guys.
I have been busy creating, experimenting with new techniques, and cleaning out my scrapbook area. Donating some, putting some in the kid's art box, and forcing myself to use some other "stuff".
I feel so fortunate to have found this hobby of scrapbooking. Preserving my family's memories, remembering moments-big and small. Telling the stories of our everyday life as well as the big events. And I am feeling so creative and inspired right now. If only I had more time, and less "stuff" to have to clean up from my adorable little tornadoes. It's all good.
I am loving the American Crafts line of 3-ring albums. Very versatile, and their "modern album" is so "raw" looking. Very natural, and I love have the choice of how to decorate my album cover. I am combining all sizes of scrapbook layouts, kids work, and some other things in this one album, and I love that. Love the layered look of it all. It's inspiring to finally have a solution for all of my different things, and creates an opportunity to experiment with other size layouts as well.
How you are inspired as much as I am right now. If not, just start something-anything-and just go with it. It's all good.
Posted by
Erin Saeger
11:10 AM