Thursday, March 1, 2007

Scrapbook Something Right Now

The cool thing about scrapbooking is the limitless possibilities. Got pictures? Scrapbook them! No pictures, but still want to tell a story? No problem! One of the most important things I feel about this art is the importance of telling the story and communicating the emotion and feelings. It's all about sharing your story, writing it down, pictures or not. Through the stories shared-journaling, the colors used, the size and style of font used versus your own handwriting, you are creating not only art, but a memory heritage for yourself, your children, other family members, and so many others for generations to come. Don't know what to scrapbook or don't have pictures? Make 5 observations around you right now (see my blog entry from yesterday) and write them down. Use all your senses to tell the story. Right now my 11 month old son is laughing while playing with his cars, the washer and dryer are running, there is a beautiful breeze coming in the open windows, one of my dogs is outside chasing the birds from our lantern, and the other one is sleeping at my feet. Oh--and now the phone is ringing. (My sister just called)

So scrapbook something right now-whether you have pictures or not-and have those memories recorded. Communicate the story, record memories, and you won't regret it!

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